Dr Harbhajan Singh — Libri

Qui sotto trovate i link ai libri di Dr Harbhajan Singh (Bhaji)  disponibili come file PDF.

Forever I

The book Forever with Master I — His Mission in the Golden Age contains poems dedicated to Master, as well as a report by about the time before and after Master left the physical body. Dr Harbhajan Singh explains the competency of Sant Kirpal Singh, and the change from the Iron Age to the Golden Age, when we have to stand on all four pillars (Truth, Penance, Compassion and Charity), and many more important topics.

Read selected chapters online: “Forever I”.

  Forever with Master I — His Mission in the Golden Age  (PDF 0.7 MB) Scaricare

La Sua Missione nell’Età dell’Oro

Il libretto Detti di Sant Kirpal Singh – 1/91 – La Sua Missione nell’Età dell’Oro contiene una relazione del Dr Harbhajan Singh (dal libro “Forever I”) sul tempo prima e dopo che il Maestro ha lasciato il corpo fisico (il 21 agosto 1974).

  Detti di Sant Kirpal Singh - 1/91 — La Sua Missione nell’Età dell’Oro   (PDF 0.5 MB) Scaricare

Forever II

The book “Forever with Master II — The Conscious Co-worker of the Divine Plan” explains the perfect way of life and the numerous qualities of a Gurmukh — a true disciple who has become the mouthpiece of the Guru or Perfect Master. This book is an inspiration for all who are yearning for God, and a source of knowledge which helps us learn the art of life so we can help ourselves and others.

Read selected chapters online: “Forever II”.

  Forever with Master II — The Conscious Co-worker of the Divine Plan  (PDF 1.3 MB) Scaricare

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