Love and Devotion

To become a mouthpiece of Master,
expressing Master’s will and purpose,
you must surrender all to Master.

It means simply:
let the will of the Master work in you
and through you,
let your whole life be dedicated
to the service of the Master.

Like a flute, be all vacant from within
so that the Master may make
sweet music of your life.
— Kirpal Singh

When the Masters came, what did they tell us? I mentioned it very briefly in a few words in my message, too. They said,

“Love is the way back to God.
God is love and our souls are also love,
and it is through love alone that we can know God.”

Love knows true renunciation, service and sacrifice.
For whom? Not for the self, but for the good of others
without any consideration.
— Sant Kirpal Singh

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