Pita-Poot — Father and Son

A Biography of the Two Great Masters: Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj & Param Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj
By Harish Chandra Chadha and translated from Hindi
Published by Ruhani Satsang — First Hindi Edition: 1970, First Edition: 2017; present version 2018

In the Name of the Almighty God Power,
the Creator and raison d’etre for everything in existence,
which is the Master-soul in human incarnation
come as the Father and the Son,
that pens its story by itself —
that which has been coming,
and shall continue to come for ever and ever,
in order to repeat it.

Hazur Baba Sawan Singh, together with Sant Kirpal Singh holding Satsang

Pita-Poot’ is the life-story of two divine Master Souls — Shri Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj and His spiritual disciple Son, Maharaj Shri Kirpal Singh Ji — as it could possibly be presented in written-descriptive form.

“It could be called a bouquet of beautiful memories.”

Read chapters from the book:

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