(Spiritual Elixir, chapter 6 — from part 1 “Answers to Questions”)
Question: Is Satvic food diet as stressed in the “Crown of Life” best for my development? I am trying this out.
Answer: The Satvic diet prescribed in Crown of Life is helpful for your spiritual development. You will find the results in due course. Please note that moderation should always be maintained for having steady progress and sound physical health.
Q. With friends of long standing it is often difficult to ask if a dish is prepared with eggs. How can this be overcome? It is especially difficult for one not advanced on the path.
A. The initiates should, as a matter of principle, be very cautious in their food articles especially when they have to dine at friends. It is so simple to inquire humbly and discretely beforehand and telling your friends that the prohibited food articles are not allowed by your spiritual doctor.
Q. Why do I get so fatigued and require so much rest on this diet?
A. This is a personal question involving your own physical endurance. You should select better food combinations from the vegetable and fruit kingdom which may give you better nutrition. Some naturopath should be consulted in this behalf.
Q. Will you please explain: Mark 7:14-16, ‘And when he had called all the people unto Him he said unto them, hearken unto me everyone of you and understand: There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him but the things which come out of him, these are they that defile the man. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear?’ He did not forbid the eating of meat.
A. I am afraid we do a great unjustice to the world-teachers, by taking isolated sentences and things in fragments rather than taking an over-all and integrated view of their teachings. If we study the scriptures carefully we find that the word ‘meats’ as used in the gospels, stands for ‘foods’ or ‘meals.’ It is not ‘meats’ alone that purge out of the body, but the refuse of all the foods that we take. The beautiful teachings of Jesus were for all the mankind and not for meat-eating people alone.
Now refer to Matt. 15:11-20, wherein these very words are repeated. These words have no reference to meats etc. On the contrary, they refer to defilement by eating with unwashen hands before taking meals. In Hos. 6:6 as well, it is stated:
I desired mercy and not sacrifice
and the knowledge of God more than ‘burnt offerings’.
In Essene Gospel of Saint John, Chapter XXII, we have the words of God Himself.
Behold, I have given you every herb upon the face of all the earth
and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed:
to you it shall be for meat.