
Whenever Sant Kirpal Singh was asked, “Who will be Your successor?” He answered,

“You are all my Saints.”
“I want to work with thousands of hands.”
“I will nev­er let you down.”
— Sant Kirpal Singh
(from “Forever with Master, vol. 1”)

And He further said,

“My children are scattered everywhere in the world.
A time will come when they will all get together
and there will be a revolution of Spirituality.”
— Sant Kirpal Singh
(from “Forever with Master, vol. 1”)

Lots of Saints came into this world, but this Power, the Almighty Power, remained hidden to them. They went to various stages and could only tell up to these stages. They could not tell beyond their stages of development.

Sant Kirpal Singh, however, not only told of, but also took someone along to those stages and above those stages. Go and see His glory, His beauty within! Whatever Sant Kirpal Singh did in the world, whatever experience He gives to His children is supreme. If we make the parallel study from the different experiences of the competent Masters, we see that we have been blessed by the highest of all. He is already in the heaven, He is already in each of the planes, and He is already here.

When Masters leave, two things start

So history usually shows that, when Masters leave, two things start.
The one who is given Mastership (and He never gives it to His
own children; maybe in rare cases if anybody is fit) leaves the place.
Guru Nanak had two sons; both started mastership at home,
but He gave it to Guru Angad who left that place and went
to some other place.
Guru Angad had so many children. He gave it to Amar Das among us,
you see, and the children started their mastership at home.
In all other cases this happens similarly.
So Master (Baba Sawan Singh) told me, “All right, you go.
Wherever you go, your Master is with you and the people
will come up. Where there’s honey, all bees will come up.”
This is but natural.
— Sant Kirpal Singh
(from “Light of Kirpal” — chapter 62 ”A Seed Has Been Sown”)

No outer Master is necessary

This Almighty Power can materialize and manifest and can give you this demonstration right from His own wish and will. He left His body, but is still doing His work. He is responsible to take the soul to its eternal home.

“No Master is necessary
when the Almighty Power is doing His work,
(because) He is working independently.”

Sant Kirpal Singh gave the instruction to Dr Harbhajan Singh and his wife Surinder Kaur to do the outer work, and He Himself is still doing the inner work. For this Dr Harbhajan Singh always told, that Sant Kirpal Singh has no successor, for no one can be the successor of the Almighty Power and he emphasized,

“I want to tell you with clarity and with full conviction
that since you get Initiation from Him,
you are directly in touch with Him.”
— Dr Harbhajan Singh

The Commandments of the Master

Already in 1983, Dr Harbhajan Singh helped us to compile a series of reports about what Master told about the coming time, and how His Mission will be continued. Published originally in the 1983 and 1984 editions of the brochure “Sayings of Sant Kirpal Singh”, you can read all seven parts by starting with the overview page Master’s Mission”, or just start with Commandments of the Master [1] where it is written, that in the World Unity of Man Conference in 1974, Master said…

“I will go, many after me, they will go back,
but this Spirituality has caught into flames now like fire,
that has broken into the forest, and no one can extinguish it.
It will go and go and go.
A time will come when it will cover the whole world.”
— Sant Kirpal Singh
(from Commandments of the Master [1])

With these words, Master described how His Mission will spread all over the world, and only the Almighty Power can do such a work. Whatever time it may take, this will definitely happen, since the words of the Master are always true.

The Mission of the Almighty Power

Additionally, there are three installments with quotes and statements in order to clarify this most important subject of the Almighty Power. You can start with The Mission of the Almighty Power [1]”.

“My work is to reveal to you the unity already existing through all.
Preach the gospel of oneness.
Spread the message of oneness and live a life of oneness.
There will be peace on earth.
This is the Mission of my life and I pray it may be fulfilled.”
— Kirpal Singh


Initiation is still possible, and it is still given by the same Almighty Power Who came as Sant Kirpal Singh.

On 28 July 1974, during the last Initiation before Sant Kirpal Singh left the body, He allowed to tape record the holy names or Simran spoken by Him. On an other occasion He explained,

“If I ever had with me the words of my Master on tape,
I would never have given Initiation from my tongue.”
— Sant Kirpal Singh

Since that time, this tape is used during the Initiation to hear the Simran by Master’s own voice. Whereas Initiation is given in the name of the Almighty Power, by the very same Power.

Because only this Power can charge the five names (Simran) with His Attention, only this Power can burn the stored (sanchit) karma, and only this Power can raise our attention above the mind and give us an inner experience of the Light and Sound Current (Naam, Shabd, Word). And it is this Almighty Power Who will “never leave nor forsake the soul” until she has returned to the Home of our Father.

Already at the time of Sant Kirpal Singh, He commissioned representatives to give the outer instructions for the Initiation, whereas He did all the inner work, and His work continues in the same way even now.

Sant Kirpal Singh said,

“It is the Word personified or the Master Power
that gives Initiation, and it does not matter
where the Master is at the time of Initiation.
Regardless of whether the Master Himself
is near at hand, or far away overseas,
the Master Power always works.

At the time of Initiation the Master takes His seat
at the third eye of the initiate and takes care of him

The Master Power, from the moment of Initiation,
guides and protects one
even after the end of the world and beyond.”
— Sant Kirpal Singh
(from “The Teachings Of Kirpal Singh Vol. 1” — The Holy Path, chapter “The Awakening”)

Find out more about this important subject by reading chapters of the book online “Forever with Master, vol. 1” or download the whole book as PDF (see Dr Harbhajan Singh — Books). There is also a brochure “Sayings of Sant Kirpal Singh 1/91” available which contains the essential part of the book.

Master’s Mission continues in the Golden Age

In his book Forever with Master, vol.1 Bhaji described, that after Master left the physical body there is always a test by the negative power for one disciple to prove the competency of the Master. Since Sant Kirpal Singh came as the Almighty Power, and He had to bring the Golden Age into the world, this test was most critical for Master’s Mission. Master selected His most advanced disciple Biji Surinder Kaur for this test, and she could stand in the test for three days, and in the end, negative power finally had to admit that the Master is the Supreme.

In his Satsang on 31 December 1990, Bhaji explained, that with the New Year 1991, the Golden Age will start, and told about the new Rules and Laws of the Golden Age, because this Age is based on all four pillars — Truth, Penances, Compassion and Charity. Therefore it is important for all of us, to learn how to live in the Golden Age.

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