Chapter from book “Forever with Master, vol. 1” by Dr Harbhajan Singh
Immediately after the physical departure of such a Master(1) the Saarsathi starts. It is a law that the Master Power has to wind up the work and justify the disciples in various planes and He brings them above the effects of the three worlds.
(Note: Saarsathi in the terminology of the Saints is a dreadful period before the beginning of the Golden Age and before the end of the Iron Age.)
At that time the negative power always declares the over-all destruction of the world, whereas the Master Power working on the physical pole has to go back to bring from within the Golden Age to avoid the destruction and to fight with the negative power and keep the negative power engaged in astral and causal regions. Whereas the negative power at each step creates hindrances to control the disciples of a competent Master in its fold.
(Note: On April 3, 1974 at Dehra-Dun Master told, ‘Mind that, the Golden Age is coming. Everyone has to go! Those who disobey the Master will have to travel a long, long road to complete their journey.’)
All souls are delivered back to their original Masters, and everyone has to justify his Master, whereas one has to suffer there where he would not justify his Master. This is a law which even Master would not evade.
Who discloses the hidden locations
The one who overcomes the test of the negative power cannot enter the hell again after the release of the souls from the hell, except the Master Power prepares the soul once again. Then that one goes on meditating (this time it was 14 years) and that one goes on meditating and the Master Power provides him with all helps and Grace. The five words (Simran) cease to function when one transcends the five planes; the Master Power provides other words in accordance with other planes.
On the higher planes the Master Power has to meditate with different words, with which He is blessed by the Satpurusha to overcome the hindrances of the negative power.
The Master Power further blesses such a disciple with those words to find the hidden locations of the negative power. Unless the Master Power overcomes the hidden locations of the negative power, He is not able to cut the roots of the negative power interlinked with the Iron Age. With these words the negative power loses his power to interfere though he tries with the tricks which are already created and functioning.
The interlinking effects(2) create great barriers for all disciples to transcend above the sphere of negative power. During the winding up operation, the negative power goes side by side with the Master Power up to the causal plane.
The negative power evades the time
Unlike in other ages the negative power always evades the time and prolongs its stay in the Iron Age. Thus it remains a very difficult task for the Master Power to discontinue the work of the negative power. He (the negative power) does not care nor bother until he is fully controlled through the power which the disciple acquires from the Master who trains the disciple especially for this purpose.
All decisions take place in Agam Desh
All decisions regarding the change from one age to another age are taken in Agam Desh. Those decisions bear the positive effect of the Agam Desh. But there is no provision to deliver those decisions to Kal (negative power) except through a developed disciple, who takes the test and overcomes the negative power practically. Such one is fully prepared and given special words to bind all the powers working in Daswan Dwar and descending down to the first plane.
The most difficult task is to enter into the hell and locate the places of Dharam Raj (Lord of Justice) and all other dreadful and fearful workers of the negative power. By seeing them the ordinary soul surrenders to them.
Most dreaded beside Dharam Raj are forty-two heads, each one with a different task. All these forty-two have further lots of workers at their disposal and spread in millions and perform various negative deeds in the world, to keep the human beings engaged.
How the decision is delivered
Each moment the negative power evades the decision of the Master through ordinary ways. If the negative power does not obey, the final decision which is held in Agam Desh it is delivered through the one who already took the test of the negative power and could go into the hell and finish the work.
With special words of the Master, that one is again sent into the hell. The word of the Master helps the disciple to move beyond the barriers of the hell.
The throne of the Dharam Raj is established before the entrance of the hell. The order (decision) is shown to Dharam Raj and is kept in front of him till he loses his power and surrenders to the order of the Master Power.
In between he frightens the disciple with all his powers.
(Note: The negative power has also boundless powers to bind down the disciple.)
To all 42 who are located at their certain dreadful places the order of the Master is shown, whereas they do not bow down and accept His order until they lose their power and surrender. If that disciple who goes to the hell, is frightened and surrenders to the negative forces and is controlled by them, the Mission of the Master ceases to function in the Golden Age.
Then the Master Power loses the opportunity. The Saarsathi period is therefore a question of death and life for the Master Power. After this decision, which is accepted by all negative forces, Master further gives some more time to the negative power to wind up his work completely.
The negative power does its level best during this time
This time is more destructive and dreadful, since the negative power uses each and every weapon against the Master Power and does his level best to destroy the world.
Master Power winds up His work
After this time Master Power winds up His work, which was still pending for many matters due to the interference of the negative power. The Master Power usually takes half as much time as the negative power.
Thereafter the Golden Age starts outside as well.
Golden Age
Satyug (Golden Age) and Kalyug (Iron Age) are two brothers.
Kalyug is the most mischievous, restless, and does not stay and does not compromise with the truth. His purpose is to create problems everywhere. He is the enemy of those who do not react and respond to him.
Whereas Satyug is very noble, very pious since it has all four pillars — Truth, Penance(3), Compassion(4) and Charity(5).
The Golden Age provides the golden opportunity for all to develop, yearn and go back. Since it accommodates all (negative power, god, goddesses, avataras), all function and do their utmost to control the soul in their fold as well.
In the Golden Age, the guidance of the Master Power finishes. The laws of the Iron Age are finished at the end of Saarsathi and new laws are framed by the Master Power during all the 14 years. Even through yearning and longing the speed of the soul remains like an ant’s walk.
The negative power, avataras, gods and goddesses also function in the Golden Age. In case Master’s Mission comes into the Golden Age, all these powers do not interfere and obstruct the way of the disciple of the Master unless he stops to yearn and begins to think negative. Then the negative power has the free will to control such a soul. If a disciple of the Master becomes a pious egoist, he can be controlled by the avataras.
Longest period
It is said that the Golden Age is the longest age, longer than all other three Ages. The reason is that it stays on a very strong foundation since it stands on all four pillars. In the Golden Age, the carriage of Contentment is driven by Truth. Each law and each dealing is based on Truth. There is no concession and no compensation.
‘As you sow, so shall you reap.’
One most difficult thing which disturbs the soul and the soul yearns for and longs to attain is the guidance of the Master. In the Golden Age the guidance is finished.(6)
Penance is the most difficult way of life, since it is very difficult for an undeveloped soul to penance and going through penances one yearns a long, long time and only at the end one gets the Grace of the Master. Master told on April 3, 1974, ‘A time will come when you will strike your heads against the walls and then there will be no one to hear you.’ So He stresses us to make the best use of the time and avail the help of the Master.
In the Iron Age the Charity stays above the Truth, Penance and Compassion. The guidance of the Master remains at the disposal of the disciple. Through Charity and guidance of the Master, man learns how to detach; through detachment he learns the selfless service to the Master and then he can solve the mystery of his life, even in the very first life. The Master overcomes the sins of the child through the most simplest devices. Sometimes He takes such karmas of the child upon His own shoulders.
Out of Charity one learns very fast the Truth, Penance and Compassion in the Iron Age. Penance is the longest term in the life of a disciple. In the Iron Age, Penance is acquired through yearning, whereas in the Golden Age through penancing and penancing one yearns for God’s love.
Out of pity and piety Master helps the disciple to overcome his shortcomings, whereas the Master Power knows, that the Iron Age is the shortest time, and everyone must yearn to solve one’s purpose of human life. All Masters who so far came in the Iron Age said that the time is too short, whereas the disciple has to do a lot.
In the Golden Age, there is a little difference with the average life of a man. According to the terminology of the Saints the man lives for thousand years in the Golden Age. It means, the development of the soul becomes very, very slow, like the walk of an ant. So one has to come a hundred times to penance and yearn to solve the riddle of life. The whole span is termed as the human years.
Read next chapter: “Master’s Mission brought into the Golden Age”
(1) The Master Power Who is responsible at that very time
(2) The effects caused by the disciple, when the disciple stays between the positive power and the negative power.
(3) Extreme and continuous way to yearn for reunion; state of meditation in Golden and Silver Age
(4) Having all virtues of pity, piety, mercy and help
(5) To give and forget; teaches further the way of devotion and selfless service to the Master
(6) Since Master is very gracious and compassionate, He will never do that.