Christmas and New Year Message 1969

Written by Sant Kirpal Singh, December 1969

Dear Ones,

I send my best wishes to each one of you, on this auspicious occasion of the sweet remembrance of Lord Jesus who brought Light to the world. Those who came to Him never walked in darkness, Jesus said that you should take up your cross daily so as to be reborn. To do this, the Master or Guru demonstrates the Light within you at the time of initiation. The word “Guru” means one who can give you Light within. Let the year 1969 end by taking your cross daily so that you can start the New Year by taking a new birth. One birth is in the physical body and true rebirth is into the beyond. This has also been given out by other Masters to make you twice born.

You are fortunate to have been taught how to take up your cross daily so as to rise above body-consciousness and be reborn into the kingdom of God which is within you. Learn to stay longer in the beyond and enjoy the bliss of the kingdom of God within you.

All beauty and glory lie within you. There are so many mansions in the house of our Father, each one more beautiful and glorious than the other. The macrocosm is in the microcosm. The astral plane is more beautiful and glorious than the physical plane, and the causal plane still more beautiful. The bliss and glory of the spiritual planes are even more beautiful. The Masters who came spoke of all these. Saint Tulsi Das says when he transcended into the brahmand (macrocosm), he was very much enamored of the beauty of that place, but when he transcended and entered the pure spiritual plane, he spoke of the glory and intoxication enjoyed there, as making the other seem just like a soul was living in a latrine.

These teachings of the Masters were handed down from posterity to posterity like a sealed book. For want of practical teachers, the beauty of them could not be enjoyed.

You are fortunate that you have been given an access into the beyond for enjoying that bliss by rising above body-consciousness or taking your cross daily — as St. Paul said, “I die daily.”

In Luke 13:24, it is said,

“For I tell you, that many prophets and kings
have desired to see those things which ye see,
and have not seen them;
and to hear those things which ye hear,
and have not heard them.”

You have that sonorous or ringing radiant light within you and should enjoy it as much as you can in this physical body. Also, when a light is lit, let it not be put under a bushel, but put it in a place that will attract the eyes of those who are seeking the light.

I wish you all God speed. The Master Power, God Power, Christ Power within you will be extending all feasible help and protection until you are completely attuned into the sweetness of your Father.

With all love and best wishes,
Yours affectionately,

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