Unity of Man — follow up letter

On July 31, 1974, Master instructed Reno H. Sirrine to send following guideline to the Western Sangat

August 20, 1974

To all directors, representatives, group leaders, initiates and sincere seekers.

You received a circular from Master Kirpal Singh on the Unity of Man. On July 31, 1974, Master instructed me to send the following information to guide you in working for the Unity of Man in the Western Hemisphere. Master wants all of us to work hardest on our own Spiritual Development.

First, attend Satsang regularly.

Second, meditate the prescribed time, or more, daily.

Third, keep self-introspection accurately.

Do not create new organizations to help mankind in your area but use those that are already in operation, such as Aid to the Blind, Aid to Under-Privileged Children, Aid to Hospitals, Aid to the Indigent, etc. By doing this you as a Satsangi of Master Kirpal Singh will do this work as a work of love and not as a duty. Do not preach. Let your example with Master’s Guidance and the Master Power overhead be your sermon of service.

The people you work with and the people you contact will ask questions. Start them first on the Unity of Man concept. When they have fully understood the importance of the Unity of Man or their place in the scheme of life as a drop of the Ocean of all Consciousness, then some few may be given literature on the Path. Master says that living the Unity of Man concept will with God’s help remove all the barriers of religious and national conflict bringing about understanding between all Individuals and eventually world peace.

Master says in His Circular on Unity of Man,

“. . . with optimum desire and dispatch, put the Unity of Man into practice
so that it becomes a real living force.
The method of propagation has to be by self-discipline and self-example
rather than by declaration and proclamation.”
— Sant Kirpal Singh, item 8 of circular “On the Unity of Man” from 15 May 1974

Cordially, in Master’s name,
Reno H. Sirrine

(representative located in California, USA)

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