
Chapter from “Forever with Master” vol. II (p. 167), section “Love and Grace” — by Dr. Harbhajan Singh

“Gurmukh’s remembrance is only one — continuous.
It continues without pause or end, unlike us who
remember many times with breaks in between.
What kind love is here today and gone tomorrow
– with this person one day and another the next?
Love is only one. That is not love which changes.
And the truest love is that which the soul receives
through experience; that never changes.” (61)
— Kirpal Singh

The Gurmukh is wide awake and prompt in remembrance and in contemplation of his Master. Since he gratifies the senses in remembering and contemplating and by sweet remembrances of his Master, his mind does not feed the senses and sense-organs. He is attentive and works twenty-four hours a day. It is a matter of attention. With attention everything goes smooth and easy for him. While sleeping his attention remains with the work of his Master.

More easily you remember Him, more easily you attain Him. More you are open to the Truth, more your mind gets stilled. The Gurmukh is wide awake in this way of life.

It is not in the interest of a man to judge the receptivity of the Gurmukh towards his Master. His thoughtless thoughts from the sanctuary of his heart ever remain in contact with the sweet remembrance of his Master. With the twinkling of an eye his Master comes to his rescue, takes him in His lap of love and encourages him in his noble ideas, which the Gurmukh ever does in the best interest of his Master.

As and when the river overbrims with fast currents of water, it creates a surging feeling in the heart of the onlooker. So is the condition of the Gurmukh. While in sweet remembrance of his Master, the waves of radiation tide his thoughts which go on appearing and disappearing regularly. The Gurmukh dwells in His eyes and He dwells in the eyes of the Gurmukh. Blessed are such ones, if ever they enjoy that phenomenon. They relish the life for some times.

Where those are who have developed receptivity,
the atmosphere will be charged with the sweet
remembrance of the Master. “Where more than
one man sits, He is there” and you can enjoy at a
distance. If you have developed receptivity you
will become the mouthpiece of the Master; you
will be talking and the charging will be there.
Because in the atmosphere the words are then
and there. Thought in the atmosphere will give
you a boost. (62)
— Kirpal Singh

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61) Joyfully I surrender, (English) Sat Sandesh 2/72
62) Light of Kirpal, p. 280

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