Master Won’t Let You Down, Mind That!

Master’s Last Evening Darshan Talk on the Roof-Terrace of His Bedroom
Sawan Ashram, Delhi, on Saturday, Aug. 17, 1974   (from book “His Grace Lives On”)

Master: Any questions? Any questions? You, have you got any questions?

Disciple: We can ask Master another day — we can ask the questions another day.

Master: No questions anyone? No? Any doubts?
If there are no questions in your mind, any doubts? No?
Something lurking in the mind? No?

These are selections by God.
They send the few certain people to administer certain things.
They know when to come and when they are going back.
They won’t let you down, mind that.

Disciple: I will bring my questions tomorrow.

Master: Yes? If you have any questions to be brought tomorrow, why not bring them today?
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today; procrastination is the thief of time . . .
if you’re not ready . . . that’s another thing. Yes, Please?

Disciple: Master why don’t you heal yourself? You are all-powerful.

Master: [Master ponders the question.] Why don’t you heal yourself . . . ?
If anybody whom you love gives you something, would you refuse it? Tell me.
What does he hope to do. He would gladly accept it.

Seeker: I just wanted to ask a question about . . .
In reading some literature about the worldly desires that individuals have, is it possible to have any desires that are correct?

Master: Naturally, you see, all thoughts coming up are due to two things: either reactions of the past — as you have sown . . . or outward necessities.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

You will go round the Wheel of Life unless and until you become the conscious co-worker of the Divine Plan.
It is He (God or the Master) who takes work from everybody and we are mere puppets in His hands.
Only then can you escape the reaction of what you have sown. You follow?
So we have to consider; the man body is the highest in all creation, a Golden Opportunity to go back Home. So we should meanwhile weed out all unnecessary things and do what will bring you nearer to God. That’s all.
Yes, please?

Disciple: How may we differentiate between necessary requirements of the body and so forth, and desires that should be weeded out?

Master: You have got one pair of boots? Yes? Then you get another pair of boots, too. That will last you for a year or so. Those are required for your use; any number more, very simply, you have to hoard it up in your houses and make the atmosphere polluted, ugly. You see?
We simply add to our own desires. Out of desire, we pollute everything. Is it not? Anyone else? Yes?

Disciple: About desire-lessness — I try to be desire-less.
Should we also try not to desire to go to Sach Khand or is that also another trap?

Master: Whatever brings you closer, whatever helps to bring you closer to God, that should be developed.
Whatever stands in the way of going back to God, avoid it! Yes please?

Seeker: Master I have read your writings very carefully, to the best of my ability and I am a nondrinker, a nonsmoker, and I am on the vegetarian diet. Do I qualify for initiation?

Master: Those are the requirements. Those are the minimum requirements . . .

Seeker: I would like to be initiated.

Master: The main thing is that you must be able to grasp the theory in detail. So many books are there: Naam or Word, Crown of Life, and so many . . .

Disciple: He has read all your beautiful books, Master.

Master: All of them?

Disciple: All of them.

Master: That’s all right.

Disciple: And he wants to know if he qualifies for Initiation. He’s a vegetarian, he doesn’t smoke and doesn’t drink . . .

Master: The qualification is that (first) you understands the theory fully well, and then when you are put on the Way, you will put your whole heart and soul into the practice; not half heartedly or in a slipshod manner.
Some dying man out of desire may get it — is put on the Way — but he has always been putting off till tomorrow what he could do today. This is wrong. So keep His commandments, you see.

Disciple: I just want to pray to you that I develop more and more love and faith in you.

Master: That love will sprout forth when you come in contact with [the] Light and Sound Principle . . . or [keep the] sweet remembrance of the Master. Yes, please?

Disciple: What type of life is most conducive to spiritual progress?


Keeping commandments one hundred percent
and developing receptivity.
Then you’ll have one hundred percent of the fruit.

Anyone else?

Disciple: In some types of work I am not able to keep full remembrance of the Master. How can I remain permanently close to you and at the same time do my work?

Master: In the beginning, you see, whatever involves your memory or brain . . . that you will have to do one thing at a time.
Later on when this habit is formed, that goes on automatically.
You will see, your job will be done and you will keep the commandments. But that will develop in due course, not in one day.
Go Jolly!

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