Dear brothers and sisters, with all love in HIM.
I send my heartiest congratulations on the Christmas and New Year 1986.
May this New Year bring you an overall change in accordance with your hidden inner urge and yearning.
While living in the world, everyone knows, that the five thieves (evil tendencies of the mind) not only destroy our physical body, but also spoil our true purpose of life.
The mortal man does not reflect on the reality and suffers much within. Within him is the illusion and darkness of riches, and worldly attachments, and even in dreams he has no knowledge of his own self (soul).
This body becomes the source of all sins when we are strayed by doubt. This body is dyed the colour of worldly attachment and greed — how can we please God when He does not like such cloak?
Within, one is in doubt, and outwardly, one is surrounded by attachment and illusion, and sleeps from inside and outside as well.
If this body becomes the vat of the dyer, and the presence and sweet remembrance of the Lord as madder (red dye), then it would dye the fast colour of oneness, and then one is imbued in happiness and glee.
Fortunate are those, who overcome the five thieves. The Truth awakens within them, and they are imbued in the sweet remembrance of the Lord.
The Master’s way is known only through the Master,
and the perfect disciple is known through his
constant living up to the Master’s teaching.
He is the true servant who understands his own self
and preaches God’s WORD to others.
Such perfect disciple only knows the virtues of God
and keeps them enshrined in his heart with devotion.
And like a faithful dog,
he would never abandon the Home of his Master,
and thereafter he merges in the Virtuous Lord.

Kirpal Sagar, December 1985