The more we think of Him, the more we get from Him

Satsang in St. Gilgen by Dr Harbhajan Singh, July 24, 1995

Dear brothers and sisters,

we all know the purpose of human life, as we think so we become. The more we think of Him, the more we get from Him. We cannot know His greatness on the level of senses or on the level of intellect. There is no end to His competence and there is no end to our learning. We have to learn it not only in the physical body, we have to learn it till we become one with Him.

The first thing that Master has blessed us, He has given us some consciousness to know Him, to understand Him and His teaching. I think, this is the biggest blessing He has showered upon us. Otherwise in the world it is said, “There is God”, but people have no idea about God. It is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures but God is not there and without an awakened soul, without awakening, without consciousness we can also not know what is really written in the Holy Scriptures, in which way those were written and described now.

The second thing is that we have been given the chance to come along with it. Otherwise the whole world is very much populated now. Master says, “The whole world is empty.” It is not now, but it remains the case all the times. Very rare people could understand Him and thereafter through them lot of people could understand.

Now this is a great privilege with us and His grace that everyone of us gets through living and doing with it, it is full of so many virtues. In the grace there is a further guidance, in the grace there is further development of the soul. In this grace there are the hidden values of life and only through His grace we can understand how great He is. Otherwise people will do a lot of other things, penances and a lot of other yogas which still exist in the world. They may do it millions upon millions years but this mystery will not be solved.

So this is the third privilege with us that once we start to live and do with it at once the radiation of the Master follows. Not mere initiation but even living and doing with it everyone can have that experience (of) His grace. Grace concerns to our development of the soul and that is not within feeling and emotions that develops our soul and this grace develops us in our worldly ways as well — outer man because outer development is a must.

The grace works in two ways: outer way and the development of the outer man and in the development of the inner man. So if we feel how much we are developed, how much conscious we have become and we can even know it from our own life that this is a big change. The change sometimes we feel it is not big it is not because of the shortcomings — it is because of we want more. Those who say they have got everything they have nothing, those who say they are developed they are not really developed, those who know they are not the egoists they are egoists. So once you have known about the thing you want to overcome it, once you have known the reality you want to possess it and you have to yearn for it.

When Guru Nanak came he used to weep over night. He was a conscious one, he was a Master because he knew his condition, what he was and how he came into the world — this disturbed Him. I mean to say, those who yearn for it they weep over the shortcomings and they say that they should overcome the shortcomings. A little problem that is negligible in the worldly way that disturbs the awakened soul very much. That disturbs the conscious co-worker of the divine plane too much and he has also to suffer also too much for it. More you think, more you go through it, more you will be developed. Such are the rules within.

Spirituality in the right sense means, just like you have put the iron in the fire and when it is hot, when it take the shape of the fire, you can turn it into any design, any shape. But when it gets cold then — the same thing is with the meditations.

So those who live and do with it, means, they should always live and do with it no exceptions to the rules. People ask me, “For how long we have to do it?” I say, “It is up to your last breath. You have to live and do with it.” If we leave and don’t do with it — certainly we will be affected with the negative powers and with the worldly wrangling. All Masters whose teachings are with us, they lived up to their last breath and they lived 100% for others — that was their cause.

The most unforgettable events in our life — that we are connected, we are having this grace direct from the Godpower, from Sant Kirpal Singh. When in the beginning, when He left His body I told, that it is very difficult to get such a Master but I felt the heart of other people. They said, “Yes, He was a successor of His Master Baba Sawan Singh and anybody can become His successor whom He wants.” But when I cleared it from Master, that “Master, even you are not the Master”, He said, “Yes, I am not the Master.” He came to create something, He came to create — He can create as many as He likes but He came for a special purpose: He has to bring a change into the world, He had to finish with the negative tentacles because negative power wanted to finish, to punish the world with his severe tentacles and He was bent upon and Master did it in the other way. He brought a better change. He said, “Why people, those who are humble, polite, having all humilities they should suffer out of the hand of bad people — at least they should be given some time to understand themselves and understand God.” That was His purpose. But when I told that Master, “Only 14 Masters would come and You are not the Master”, Master said, “Yes.” Because when I told that experience — I tell it, because it was confirmed by Master so it has become a law for us. When I told him, “Master, your name was written along with Kabir but on the top and the sound which helped me to reach that, to listen to this sound”, Master said, “Do you hear it from the world?” I said, “No, in the three worlds there is no such instrument and the initiation you have given it is beyond that.” Master said, “Your experience is positive.” Then Master said, “Now a further time is coming be aware, that this golden age is coming.”

Who was He who replaced Kabir, who was blessed by Kabir and Kabir gave Him that seat of the Sat Purusha. So there cannot be any successor of the Almighty God there cannot be a successor of the Sat Purusha. There can be, but He has to create when this Golden Age is finished and He has to control the Silver Age. Only there at that time His successor will come otherwise beforehand not.

So now what is our condition? We have all direct contact with Him. Otherwise the Master Power is dependent upon that power who then delivers this grace in the physical world. But now this contact is direct and independent and way back to God is very easy.

This was the reason Master said, “Only those will come to you who are sent by Him and who will work with you. He will be responsible for all of them.” It is a biggest grace and biggest work, a great work, which Master Power had helped us to do. We should never think that we are not many, there can be many but then this grace will finish. There can be a lot of things but we have not to change His word. “One word of the Almighty God saves the whole creation.” So this word should remain potent and positive and should spread by the conscious people — it is not the work of unconscious people.

Now what is our purpose in the Mission of the Master? — That every moment we should take one step forward. We should not come down, we should not come back. Because, more you need, more it is there. More you need help from Him, more help is there. It is such a grace that more you spend more it grows. The worldly wealth finishes with spending but here it grows.

So this is such a grace you can utilize for all your contacts and you can even identify your spirit in the whole world and this will help a lot. Masters Mission is not limited to all those who come and receive initiation from you, but those are the blessed, those who get the initiation, then work, their toils are finished, their toils are utilized.

But those who even hear about Him they also get a protection from the Master side within and this protection is not limited it can be unlimited. Because once the soul has some idea about the positive power — then within it has a free will to move either this side or that side. When that soul attains some virtues during his life time — the positive way of life — then it will once go towards — steps forward towards that direction.

Those Holy Scriptures, specially Guru Granth Sahib tell us that those, who hear and what to say of living and doing with it, that is a big thing and there is no second do it — but those even who hear it they are having the protection. They may have to come back into the world but protection of the Master is there, they can get this advantage of life after — but we should not take any risk. And those risks means, if we have understood then we should start to live and do with it.

I will tell you, once we have known that we have to go then we should make preparations to go. What are those preparations? Master tells us, those people who are conscious they are developed. And what the Master wishes from them? They should have a good life, they should have a long life and they should work a longer period for the humanity. They should live for the humanity for a long, long period — that is the wish. They should never have another wish than that. This is a privilege that is given to all — anybody who does so he will get the grace.

And last thing I would tell you, there is no difference in any duty. If somebody is doing this duty other is doing that duty, it is the same. It depends how we do it, the way we do it, the way we get the grace. Those who become receptive, those who become responsible in any duty they are having the grace from the Master.

In the Master-Mission receptivity is the main feature, receptivity is the main — it remained a living example beforehand it would remain also. Those who lived up to the commandment of the Masters they earn the fruit of their life and their names do exist with the perfect Master, competent Master, they also exist with the teaching.

So now our purpose is to give preference to these higher values of life to develop others. Means, if you live with higher values of life and you do not attend to others, your higher values of life is — I mean to say, it will be counted in very little way. If you are able to develop a lot of people you will have a lot of grace from the God Power.

So who becomes a conscious co-worker of the divine plane? Who works far and wide in the wide plane, in this conscious plane. Conscious plane is everywhere. Masters say, “This world is not as people think.” It depends how you take the world. Some people who are tired of the world, they say, “This world is very dirty, this is all Maya, this is all illusion, we should get rid of it.” Those who overcome all these things, attachment, illusions, ignorance, they say, “This world is a true temple of God.” Everyone, whatever they say, they see it in reality, they see in perfect conditions.

So the conscious co-worker of the Divine plane, those who work, live and do with it, they always take these things into consideration. If something is going wrong, you are not interested, what will it affect you, it will not affect you at all. It is our attention which is affected. If your attention is not affected it always remains at the right way, you are not affected. You are with the pole and you are a pole. You are not except Him and all those rules you are obeying are also not exception to the rules. So we have to live with the commandment of the Master.

You know, there was one king Patri, he went to the forest to realise him(self) and realise God. His mother told, “My son, you should live in a very strong fort there in the jungle.” He said, “Mother, where there is a jungle there is no fort in the jungle. I have to live with a little hut that I have to create there. It will be simply with straw and wood.” So she said, “No, you live with the commandment of the Master, it is a strong fort.”

You may remain in the world but you can be out of the world if you keep the commandment of the Master with you and that what brings you inside, two things: love and fear. If you have love with anybody, you will be afraid of committing any mistake outside, so it is a law. So fear and love of God that should remain in the heart of one who wants to remain in a very strong fort. He may remain anywhere in the world but he will not be affected if he has two things: fear and love for God. Fear in this respect because (that) He is within you, He is everywhere, He sees everything, He knows your thoughts, He is the life in life. He is very close to us, we should never forget.

The second thing she told, “My son, you should sleep on very softy beds, you should have a kingly life there.” “Mother, where we are there is no such a way of living there. Sometimes I have to sleep even on the stone.” She said, “Put regular time for meditation as long as you can do, because otherwise you don’t have any work there — when this sleep overpowers you, then sleep.” And you can sleep. Even sleeping on the soft bed will not provide you further life. Sometimes they disturb you.

She told further, “You should live with very good food. You should have it.” He said, “I have to live there with coarse grain there is no way out. Sometimes I have to live with the leaves.” She said, “You don’t take the food till you are fully hungry and that will give you energy and that will give you a long life.”

So these things are really — because these were already — I mean to say, these were done practically and are accepted anywhere in the world. But now we are fortunate that we have not to live in the forest now. He (Sant Kirpal Singh) says, “Take this whole world as a forest, take this whole world as a jungle — this night is a jungle.” Whose nights are spoiled their everything is spoiled. You learn all those things during the night and help others during the day-time.

So these are very important things, to establish the life in life. Our life sometimes moves away, that is not in the very life within. So if we are fully embedded with Him we have no fear of anything.

Thank you, tomorrow God willing we meet again during the Satsang. Wishing you all that is good for you.

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