On Controlling Our Thoughts And Living Up To The Teachings

November 27, 1970, Morning Talk, Rajpur
(Light of Kirpal, chapter 22)

Disciple: When it comes to the diary — when we have criticism in our mind of other people — we see them doing something and we say: “They shouldn’t be doing that” — Does that come under non-violence or does that come under…

Master: Non-violence

Disciple: Non-violence?

Master: Surely. Look here, there are two ways. If you find any shortcomings in anybody — the best way is to tell them privately, friendly, lovingly — “Will you kindly change?” But if you’re only spreading gossip like a plague rat — going around telling, “He is like this, he is like that” — that is bad. If you are bringing them around, friendly, lovingly, privately, that is the best way. If he does not come around — you are not the commander of all. Each man will suffer for what he is doing.

Give him a hint. If he comes around, well and good. In your private life you can in some instances tell him. If not what can you do?

Disciple: But if I still have the thoughts and I keep seeing what they’re doing…

Master: Look here. A child is a child, if he is besmeared with filth, mother’s work is to wash him. Not kill him. Is it not so? All are gods in man. Each soul is of the same essence as that of God, of course environed by mind and outgoing faculties — identified with them. All the same it is gold. Look from that angle. Beg pardon?

Disciple: I’m just saying I’m deaf, can’t hear.

Master: My Lord, I must sit by you then — while we talk. That’s all right. So have love for him — tell him privately, “Dear friend, come around.” It is of some use if we do like that. But it is of no use spreading like a plague rat — here and there — he’s such and such — the more you think like that, you’ll become that. Thought waves are very potent. You see?

If there is anything at all — like a child besmeared with filth — mother won’t kill him — she lovingly washes.

All the same, we are all gold. If cleared from the filth and other things it is gold. You see you are all souls. Have love for all. Wash with love. Do not spread like an unpaid apprentice of the CID (secrete police) of God. “He is like that. He is bad.” That affects you — as you think, so you become. If you always think evil of others, you will become that. I tell you in the beginning, the missionaries went to Japan. They preached there: “Thou shalt not strike a woman.” After a few years preaching they [the Japanese] asked, “Is it in your country that they beat the women?” And they began to beat the women. Negative thoughts. Avoid that please. If you see anything wrong with anybody — tell him friendly, bring him around lovingly.

Disciple: He wants to know, when you have these thoughts, where to put it down in your diary.

Master: That I’ve told him — under violence — non-violence. In the negative way of thinking, you are sending thought waves against him. Thoughts are more potent. I tell you — Thoughts are very potent.

Once, I told about Akbar the Great — Emperor of India who had a very good minister: Birbal by name. Birbal told him, “Thought waves are very potent — Don’t think evil of anybody. Always think peace, joy, happiness for others.” He said, “How can that be?” He said, “All right, come along — we’ll show you how this is so, then you’ll find for yourself.”

They went outside all alone. Akbar the Great was going bareheaded. One man was approaching from about two furlongs distance — so Birbal told him, “Just think about this man who is coming. Then when he comes near you, ask him what thoughts struck him when he saw you.” So when that man came up the Emperor thought: “I should kill him — shoot him.” When he came nearby, the Emperor said, “Well dear friend, I forgive you. Don’t be afraid, tell me what thought occurred to you when you saw my face.” He answered, “I thought of beating you with my fists — to break your head.”

So thought waves are very potent, you see. You have to use control — you have to control the thoughts. Don’t fritter away your life and strength in thinking like this.

Think positively. If you think somebody’s good, you’ll become good. If you think ill of others, you’ll become like that. That’s the secret of Saints, I think. Even those who would kill Them, They wish good for them.

At the time I came to my Master there were some religious bigots who were very strong. The men of the village where I lived were gathered together and said I should be excommunicated. They called me to the temple where I gave a talk. They had nothing to say against me, yet they passed a resolution that I should be excommunicated. There were five people there. Then one man took the vow, “I will kill him this night” — me! This was many years ago, 1924. I didn’t tell anybody. He did come at night, but he would not dare to kill me. Then after a year or so he came to Lahore where I was. I met him on the way and said, “All right friend, come on, have your meal with me.” Eventually he said: “Dear friend, I was after you.” He told me everything.

So thoughts are very important, you see? If we control our thoughts we can control anything. God, with one thought, made the whole creation. And we are drops of that All-Conscious, can’t you make a town even?

You are micro-gods. Great is man. You’re the sons of God. When you meet a Master, you are a son of God, because in the Master God is working. He doesn’t unite you with Himself, as the son-of-man — but with the God-in-Him. That is already within you. He unites you with That.

There are only some things written in books, but what you have from the word of mouth gives you very direct — brings it home. Note down this point, very important point. Diary is very helpful — if you keep it strictly — don’t spare yourself-you’ll change in a month or two. I issued one circular like that, you remember, on the diary — and also one circular on humility.(*) You see, the humble are the peacemakers. If there’s humility, where’s the strife?

So that is why the Saints say: “Peace be unto all the world over — under Thy Will, O God” of course.

So these are things not only to be understood but lived! The more you live them, you’ll change. You’ll become a Saint. Saints have their past. They were sometimes like us. A man who has become a strong wrestler has not made himself a wrestler in one day. He has been working for it day and night. A strong man revels in his strength and the weaker man wonders how he got it. When he first takes exercises his muscles begin to pain. “O ho ho, this is wrong.” But if he continues, his muscles become strong. So this is what is wanted. You are in the make. Make the best us of it. You must change. I wish all of you to become ambassadors of Light. This is what Christ said:

“What you’ve learned in secret
go tell from the housetops!”

If you don’t live it your own self — how can you say? The words of a practical man go to the heart of others. His words don’t affect others if he is not living up to them. Any arrow stretched to the breast will go to the target. If it is left dangling? Words coming out of the heart go to the heart.

It is said of Mahatma Ghandi: One lady came to him, “My child eats sugar.” Ghandi said, “All right, come again tomorrow.” Next day when they returned: “Well child, don’t eat sugar.” Mother said, “Well, if you had to say only that much, why didn’t you explain it yesterday?” He replied, “Because yesterday I was also eating sugar.”

So how can our words affect others if we don’t live up to them? Listen, understand and live it! Live it! If you don’t — what’s the good of it? The stone may remain in water — cold for awhile — then, not.

Even with the Sweet Company — also live up to it! — try to live up to it! The diary is meant only for that. People confess to ministers or priests after a week or a month. This diary is confession every moment — you’ll see your faults and say: “O God, I am wrong… I have done…” Confession is almost a washing, you see? When you repent, “O it’s done — all right, be careful!” Our Master used to say:

“The poison you have taken —
that can be washed away.
But stop taking more poison.”

No more poison.

Disciple: That’s the point.

Master: Yes. Stand somewhere. That is the reason why sometimes our meditations improve — sometimes go back, proceed and again recede. Diary is a very strong helping factor. And that is the pity — generally we don’t keep it. We spare ourselves — well, the God in you knows it! How can you deceive Him?

Disciples: [After some conversation about whether the group should remain in Rajpur or go with Master to Delhi]

Master: I want everyone to be with me — not away from me. I don’t like to part with you — how can I? You have to come to me — so dear to me. I think you don’t know how dear you are to me. This heart goes to heart. Heart goes to heart. All right, be jolly today!

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(*) See The Way of the Saints, containing circular letters “Humility” p. 341, “On Keeping the Diary” p. 369.

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