Frohe Weihnachten 2022!
- Video: The Best Way to Celebrate Christmas (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Weihnachtsbotschaft 1953 (von Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Weihnachtsbotschaft 1994 (von Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Liebe, Konzentration und Selbsthingabe (Rundschreiben vom August 1961)
- Christmas Message 1953 (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Christmas Message 1994 (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
Am 10. Dezember feiern wir den 90. Geburtstag von Dr. Harbhajan Singh
und den 15. Jahrestag der Einweihung der Symbole im Sarovar in Kirpal Sagar.
- Video: Conscious co-worker of the Divine plan (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Für immer mit Meister, Vol. 1 (Buch von Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Trennung (Gedicht aus dem Buch “Für immer mit Meister, Vol. 1”)
- Kirpal Sagar — Ozean der Gnade (Kapitel aus “Für immer mit Meister, Vol. 1”)
- Third World Tour (from “Forever with Master, vol. 1” by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Punjab Programme in October 1973 (from “Forever with Master, vol. 1” by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Unity of Man Conference (from “Forever with Master, vol. 1” by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
Remembering the 16 November 1982, when the foundation stone of Kirpal Sagar was laid.
- A Place for Man-Making and Man-Service (from “In Honour of Dr Harbhajan Singh”)
- Sarovar (from “In Honour of Dr Harbhajan Singh”)
- First Satsang in the Sarovar (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Kirpal Sagar – Facilities (from Biography of Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Dienen vor dem Selbst (Rundbrief auf Deutsch vom 21. Februar 1964)
- Service Before Self (Circular Letter, dated February 21, 1964)
Video: Be Good — Do Good and Be One (subtítulos también en Español,
legendas também em Português, Untertitel auch auf Deutsch)
- To Him Who Is Obedient, The Keys Are Given (Light of Kirpal, chapter 10)
- Some World Problems Beyond the Solution of Man (Light of Kirpal, chapter 17)
- On Controlling Our Thoughts And Living Up To The Teachings (Light of Kirpal, chapter 22)
- True Living (Wheel of Life, Appendix I – part 1)
- Vihar or Social Conduct (Wheel of Life, Appendix I – part 3)
- On Sleeping, Dreams and Visions (Light of Kirpal, chapter 9)
- The Physical Body After Death (Light of Kirpal, chapter 55)
- Video: Non-Violence, Love and Tolerance (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Mind: A Good Servant But A Bad Master (Light of Kirpal, chapter 14)
- Nature of Thought — Right Understanding (Light of Kirpal, chapter 40)
Remembering the 25 September 1995, the day when Dr Harbhajan Singh left the body.
- Video: Thinking of Master’s Mission up to the last breath. (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Last Satsang in the West (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Penúltimo Satsang en Occidente (por el Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- The Conscious Co-worker of the Divine Plan (Gurmukh) (section from “Forever II” by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Über die Einheit des Menschen (letzter Rundbrief vom 15. Mai 1974)
- Video: SPIRITUALITY — WHAT IT IS (talk by Sant Kirpal Singh, London, September 17, 1972)
- Spirituality — what it is (1972) (transcript of talk by Sant Kirpal Singh, September 17, 1972)
- The Highest Form of Yoga (talk by Sant Kirpal Singh, November 19, 1972)
- Spirituality — the only answer (talk by Sant Kirpal Singh, from Sat Sandesh May 1970)
- Wahre Religion ist universale Liebe und Erinnerung an Gott (Spiritualität, Kapitel 2)
Remembering the 21 August 1974, the day when Sant Kirpal Singh left the body.
- Video: SANT KIRPAL SINGH — His grace and love is beyond description (excerpts from talks by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Meister über Unabhängigkeit (Letzter Satsang von Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Master On Independence (Last Satsang of Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Taking Leave Of The Sangat (poem from “Forever with Master, vol. 1” by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Separation (poem from “Forever with Master, vol. 1” by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Who was Sant Kirpal Singh? (from “Forever with Master, vol. 1” by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Video: HAZUR BABA SAWAN SINGH — 27 July, Birth Anniversary (excerpts from talks by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Hazur — His Life and Teachings (from “The Life of Baba Sawan Singh” by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Birth Anniversary of Baba Sawan Singh 1955 (by Sant Kirpal Singh, audio as MP3)
- Birth Anniversary of Baba Sawan Singh 1958 (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Anniversario della Nascita di Baba Sawan Singh 1958
- Birth Anniversary of Baba Sawan Singh 1994 (Satsang by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- True Religion is Universal Love and Remembrance of God (Spirituality: What it is, chapter 2)
- All Men Have Equal Privileges From God (Spirituality: What it is, chapter 2.1)
- Religious Differences (Spirituality: What it is, chapter 2.2)
- Remembrance of God (Spirituality: What it is, chapter 2.3)
- The Fundamental Truths (Spirituality: What it is, chapter 2.4)
- Place of Rites and Rituals in Religion (Spirituality: What it is, chapter 2.5)
- An den aufrichtigen Sucher (Buch “Spiritualität”, Einführung)
- Spiritualität (Spiritualität, Kapitel 1)
- To the honest Seeker (book “Spirituality: What it is”, introduction)
- Spirituality (Spirituality: What it is, chapter 1)
- The Most Natural Way (The Night is a Jungle, chapter 4)
- Who are You? Where are You? Where are You Going? (Light of Kirpal, chapter 5)
- Very Few Really Want To Go Home (Light of Kirpal, chapter 6)
- Ungratefulness Is A Heinous Crime (Light of Kirpal, chapter 8)
- No New Faith, Mind That (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Conosci te Stesso – Innalzati al di Sopra Della Consapevolezza Del Corpo (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 15)
- True Temple is the Man Body (Light of Kirpal, chapter 7)
- Kundalini Yoga – Q&A | ‘No New Faith, Mind That’ (see Video: KUNDALINI YOGA – Q&A)
- Video: KUNDALINI YOGA – Question and Answer (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- True Meditation and the Virtues to be Developed (Light of Kirpal, chapter 32)
- Meditation — Q&A (Spiritual Elixir, chapter 2)
- Different Systems of Meditation — Q&A (by Dr Harbhajan Singh — transcript of video)
- Video: Different Systems of Meditation − Q&A (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Love Versus Lust (II) (Morning Talks, chapter 37)
- Il vero Guru o Maestro (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 14)
- Audio Talk: Meditation — it’s advantages and disadvantages (Bonn, June 9, 1994)
- True prayer (Morning Talks, chapter 39)
- On Doing Your Work: Sow The Big Seed Of God (Light of Kirpal, chapter 3)
- Imparate a morire affinché possiate incominciare a vive (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 13)
- Audio Talk: Our birthright to meet God (Salzburg, January 5, 1993)
- Whom Should We Love (II) (Morning Talks, chapter 35)
- Love Versus Lust (I) (Morning Talks, chapter 36)
- Chi Dovremmo Amare (I) (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 12)
- Blessed are the Poor in Spirit (Circular Letter, dated November 11, 1967)
- Purezza — Bisogna Concentrarsi Su Se Stessi (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 11)
- Love Versus Attachment (Morning Talks, chapter 31)
- What is love? (Morning Talks, chapter 33)
- Obeying His commandments (chapter from “Forever II” by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Video: Hazur Baba Sawan Singh − The brilliant Sun of Spirituality (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- The Sun of Hazur is About to Set (from “The Life of Baba Sawan Singh” by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- The true Bread and Water of Life (Morning Talks, chapter 28)
- The Single Eye Or Third Eye (Morning Talks, chapter 29)
- Righteousness — Detachment — Self Restraint (Morning Talks, chapter 25)
- True Satsang (Morning Talks, chapter 26)
- Meisters Mission im Goldenen Zeitalter (PDF , von Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- La Sua Missione nell’Età dell’Oro (PDF, por el Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Video: Last Satsang in Amritsar-Centre (2016-03-06) — Biji Surinder Kaur
- The Mystery of my Homeland (poem by Kabir)
- Das Geheimnis meiner Heimat (Gedicht von Kabir)
- Video: Pearls of Wisdom — Biji Surinder Kaur
- Message for March 10th, 2000 (by Biji Surinder Kaur)
- Botschaft zum 10. März 2000 (von Biji Surinder Kaur)
- Surinder Kaur — Biography (PDF in English)
- Surinder Kaur — Biographie (PDF auf Deutsch)
- Simboli esteriori e manifestazioni di colui … (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 10)
- Come sviluppare amore (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 9)
- How to Maintain Ashrams (Circular Letter, dated February 22, 1963)
- By Love, Serve One Another (Circular Letter, dated June 6, 1967)
- Cos’è il vero amore (II) (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 8)
- Service Before Self (Circular Letter, dated February 21, 1964)
- The Kingdom of God (by Sant Kirpal Singh, 1955)
- World Peace in the Atomic Age (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- The Way of the Saints: SANT MAT (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- La Misión Más Elevada (por el Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Misión (La Misión del Maestro)
- Video: Birthday Message for 6 February 2022
- Birth Anniversary of Sant Kirpal Singh 1961 (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Messaggio di Compleanno 1969 (da Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Celebration of Sant Kirpal Singh’s 100th birthday (4 am) (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Willkommen (Welcome to our new German website)
- Biji Surinder Kaur (Del folleto “Biji Surinder Kaur — Forever One”)
- Biografía (Biji) (Folleto “Biji Surinder Kaur — Forever One” en inglés)
- Social Conduct and Ethical Life (Spiritual Elixir, chapter 1)
- The Way of Love (Circular Letter, dated May 4, 1965)
- To The Reader (Prayer, introduction)
- Cos’è il vero amore (I) (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 7)
- Why Should We Worship the God-Man? (Morning Talks, chapter 18)
- How To Do Our Bhakti (Morning Talks, chapter 19)
- What The Principles Are of Bhakti or Devotion (Morning Talks, chapter 21)
- Come sviluppare amore per Dio (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 6)
- What special practices bear fruit (Morning Talks, chapter 16)
- What are the impediments on the way? (Morning Talks, chapter 17)
- Cosa fa il Maestro per il discepolo (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 5)
- The true Guru or Master (Morning Talks, chapter 14)
- Know thy Self — You must rise above body consciousness (Morning Talks, chapter 15)
- The Ultimate: Full Surrender (Light of Kirpal, chapter 2)
- El Hombre Interno y Externo (por el Sant Kirpal Singh)
- El cambio comienza en el corazón del hombre (por el Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- The Change Must Start From Our Hearts (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)