Buon Natale 2023!
- Video: Christmas Message (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Messaggio di Natale 1956 (da Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Christmas Message 1956 (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Christmas- and New Year’s Message 1998 (by Biji Surinder Kaur)
- Weihnachtsbotschaft 1956 (von Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Weihnachts- und Neujahrsbotschaft 1998 (von Biji Surinder Kaur)
- Mensaje de Navidad 1956 (de Sant Kirpal Singh)
On 10 December we celebrate the 91st birth anniversary of Dr Harbhajan Singh
- Video: The purpose of human life lies with you (Inteview with Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- The Destiny of a Gurumukh (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Discrimination and right understanding (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Theory and practice of the Higher Values of Life (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Audio Talk: Yearning and devotion (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Come Sviluppare Ricettività (I) (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 27)
- How To Develop Receptivity (from Hindi) (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Wie man Empfänglichkeit entwickelt (aus dem Hindi) (von Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Audio Talk: God is Light and God is Music of the Spheres (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Don’t You Want to Go Home? (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Wollt ihr nicht nach Hause gehen? (von Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Video: On Death and Suicide — Q&A
- Questions and answers concerning death (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Death and Protection (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- No New Faith, Mind That (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Unity of Man — follow up letter (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- The Highest Mission (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- How we came to Sant Kirpal Singh (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Die höchste Mission (von Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Wie wir zu Sant Kirpal Singh kamen (von Dr Harbhajan Singh)
Ricordando il dottor Harbhajan Singh, che ha lasciato il corpo il 25 settembre 1995.
- Video: Child and Father are One — Remembering Dr Harbhajan Singh
- Good-bye to Western Sangat (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Abschied vom westlichen Sangat (von Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Adiós al Sangat occidental (por el Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Yearning and devotion (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Man-making (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Master’s Sickness (Chapter from “Forever with Master, vol. 1”)
- Sehnsucht und Hingabe (von Dr Harbhajan Singh)
Ricordando il 21 agosto 1974, la partenza fisica di Sant Kirpal Singh.
- Video: Sant Kirpal Singh – Remembrance – 21 August
- In one and a half months I will be healthy (Chapter from “Forever with Master, vol. 1”)
- Taking Leave Of The Sangat (Poem from “Forever with Master, vol. 1”)
- After August 21, 1974 (Chapter from “Forever with Master, vol. 1”)
- In eineinhalb Monaten werde ich gesund sein (Kapitel aus “Für Immer mit Meister, vol. 1”)
- Abschied vom Sangat (Gedicht aus “Für Immer mit Meister, vol. 1”)
- Nach dem 21. August 1974 (Kapitel aus “Für Immer mit Meister, vol. 1”)
- Audio Talk: The Path of the Masters — 1955 (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- What is a Sant or Master (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Was ist ein Sant oder Meister (von Sant Kirpal Singh)
On 27th July we celebrate the birth anniversary of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj
- Video: Who knows God, sit at His feet (excerpts from “How I Met My Master”)
- How I Met My Master (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- He Came To Make Us Satsangis (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- The Life and Teachings of Baba Sawan Singh Ji (PDF) (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Das Leben und die Lehre Baba Sawan Singhs (PDF) (von Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Audio Talk: Illusion — Ignorance — Maya (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Rettitudine — distacco — autocontrollo (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 25)
- Thief of Your Life’s Breath (The Night is a Jungle, chapter 8)
- Within the Atom: Light and Sound (Light of Kirpal, chapter 16)
- Nada Muere En La Naturaleza (de El Misterio de la Muerte, Capítulo I)
- Video: Initiation — A Special Grace of God (Estratti da “Il vero servizio a Dio o a Dio nell’uomo”)
- Come la devozione a Dio produce frutti (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 23)
- Il vero servizio a Dio o a Dio nell’uomo (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 24)
- Life of Self-Surrender (Wheel of Life, Appendix II)
- The Mystery of Death (book)
- Author’s Preface (from The Mystery of Death)
- Introduction (from The Mystery of Death)
- Nothing dies in Nature (The Mystery of Death, chapter 1)
- The Light of Life (The Mystery of Death, chapter 2)
- El Misterio de la Muerte (por el Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Prefacio del Autor (de El Misterio de la Muerte)
- Introduccion (de El Misterio de la Muerte)
- Mensch, erkenne dich selbst! (von Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Le difficoltà che s’incontrano per sviluppare devozione… (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 22)
- O Mind, listen for once (The Night is a Jungle, chapter 7)
- Prayer Defined (Prayer, chapter 1)
- Dritte Weltreise (Kapitel aus “Für immer mit Meister, Vol. 1”)
- Programm im Punjab — Oktober 1973 (Kapitel aus “Für immer mit Meister, Vol. 1”)
- Seven Paths to Perfection (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- On Keeping the Diary — Q&A 1973 (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Der spirituelle Aspekt der vegetarischen Ernährung (Rundschreiben von 1958)
- Quali sono i principi della devozione o bhakti (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 21)
- Let us reform ourselves (The Night is a Jungle, chapter 6)
- Rise Above — Come Out of This Delusion (Light of Kirpal, chapter 24)
Il 2 aprile ricordiamo la partenza fisica di Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji nel 1948 (75 anni fa).
- Video: Pearls of Wisdom — Inspiring poems by Hazur Baba Sawan Singh
- Come sviluppare la devozione e l’importanza di tenere il diario (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 20)
- The relation of Baba Sawan Singh and Kirpal Singh (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Die Beziehung zwischen Baba Sawan Singh und Kirpal Singh (von Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Finde den Schatz der Großen Meister (von Biji Surinder Kaur)
Il 19 marzo ricordiamo la partenza fisica di Biji Surinder Kaur nel 2016.
- Video: Biji Surinder Kaur — Something precious is hidden
- Find the Treasure of the Great Masters (by Biji Surinder Kaur)
Il 10 marzo si celebra l’83° anniversario di nascita di Biji Surinder Kaur
- Video: Biji Surinder Kaur — Birth Anniversary — 10 March
- Come sviluppare amore per Dio (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 6)
- Come fare il nostro bhakti (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 19)
- How To Develop Love For God (Morning Talks, chapter 6)
- The Master’s Message of Love (Light of Kirpal, chapter 33)
- Cómo desarrollar el amor por Dios (Charlas matinales, extractos del capítulo 6)
- Uomo, conosci te stesso! (da Sant Kirpal Singh)
- ¡Hombre, Conócete a ti Mismo! (por el Sant Kirpal Singh)
Il 6 febbraio si celebra il 129° anniversario della nascita di Sant Kirpal Singh.
- Video: Sant Kirpal Singh — Birth Anniversary — 6 February
- This Power Never Leaves the World (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Birth Anniversary of Sant Kirpal Singh 1964
- Geburtstagsbotschaft von Sant Kirpal Singh 1964
- Die Äusseren Aspekte des Lebens (erstes Rundschreiben vom 1. Mai 1956)
- Instruktionen für Wahrheitssucher (Rundschreiben Nr. 2 vom 1956)
- Este Poder nunca abandona el mundo (por el Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Perché dovremmo venerare il Dio Nell’Uomo? (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 18)
- Video: Pearls of Wisdom — Inspiring poems (poems by Kabir)
- Look Only into Master’s Eyes (Light of Kirpal, chapter 19)
- Gli ostacoli che si trovano sulla via (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 17)
- On Bhajan: Do One Practice at a Time (Light of Kirpal, chapter 11)
- What Epithets Can We Give God? (Light of Kirpal, chapter 12)
- Gli esercizi spirituali che producono frutti (I Discorsi Del Mattino, Capitolo 16)
- Audio Talk: The Coming Spiritual Revolution (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- The Coming Spiritual Revolution (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- The True Aim of Education (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Das wahre Ziel der Erziehung (von Sant Kirpal Singh)
Buon Anno 2023!
- Video: Happy New Year 2023 (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- God’s Message to Mankind (by Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Christmas and New Year Message 1985 (by Dr Harbhajan Singh)
- Die Botschaft Gottes an die Menschheit (von Sant Kirpal Singh)
- Weihnachts- und Neujahrsbotschaft 1985 (von Dr Harbhajan Singh)